Tired all the Time? If Your Diet is the Problem, it’s also the Solution

Tired all the time, wiped out, exhausted, fatigued… my clients all had different ways of saying it, but the problem was essentially the same. As a nutrition consultant, I encountered the same health issues time and again. Top of that list, by a mile, was low energy, or however you prefer to put it. If that sounds like you, it’s worth considering possible dietary causes of your fatigue, especially if you’ve tried everything else and been given the all-clear by your doctor.

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Winning at weight loss: Check for underactive thyroid (again)

Fatigue and easy weight gain are typical symptoms of an underactive thyroid. Too many people see their doctors for a thyroid test, which comes back negative. That doesn’t necessarily mean that there isn’t a thyroid problem – mild hypothyroidism is surprisingly common, and usually passes undetected.

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