Drugs, Diet, and Dementia: How to Prevent Memory Loss

Proven methods, with and without side effects

Great news: a new Alzheimer’s drug was recently proven to slow down memory loss in people at the early stages of the disease.

Also great news: there are several dietary interventions that are also proven to slow down memory loss in people at the early stages of the disease.

The results of the Alzheimer’s drug trial were published in the New England Journal of Medicine in November 2022. The drug — lecanemab — has been described as a “breakthrough”, with clinical dementia scores reduced by up to 27%. Lecanemab works by targeting the amyloid protein plaques that are characteristic of the brains of people with dementia.

The trial was carried out on 1,795 people aged 50 to 90 who either had mild cognitive impairment (the pre-dementia stage) or early-stage Alzheimer’s. Although it lasted 18 months, positive results were seen after just six months.

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